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Research Fellow position/PhD Position [Advertisement to Apply before 15 April 2024]
Research Fellow positions [Advertisement to Apply before 06 Mar 2024]
PhD position [Advertisement to Apply before 29 Feb 2024]
PhD position [Advertisement to Apply before 29 Feb 2024]
PhD position [Advertisement to Apply before 29 Feb 2024]
Recent Patent Granted
Title: A Method of Fabricating Reduced Graphene Oxide,
Inventors: Sanket Goel and Pavar Sai Kumar
Indian Patent Granted, Patent No: 511739, Application No: 201911049248
Title: Smartphone Enabled Miniaturized Viscometer with Paper Microfluidic Strip
Inventors: Sanket Goel and S B Puneeth
Indian Patent Granted, Patent No: 492882, Application No: 201711031122
Title: A System for Measuring Viscosity and Method Thereof
Inventors: Sanket Goel and S B Puneeth
Indian Patent Granted, Patent No: 509212, Application No: 201911004347
Title: Microfluidics Based Integrated System for Nittrite and Nitrate Detection and Analysis
Inventors: Dudala Sohan, Dubey Satish Kumar, Goel Sanket
5.Indian Patent Granted, Patent No: 514840, Application No: 202011020964
Title: A Device for Making Designs on A Substrate
Inventors: Dr.Lanka Tata Rao,Dr. Javed Arshad, Dr.Dubey Satish Kumar, Dr.Goel Sanket
Recent Publications
Title: Portable Sensors in Precision Agriculture: Assessing Advances and Challenges in Soil Nutrient Determination. Authors: Abhishesh Pal, Satish Kumar Dubey, Prasanta K. Kalita and Sanket Goel. Trends in Analytical Chemistry. (accepted)
Flexible Supercapacitor Device Based on Laser-Synthesized Nanographene for Low-Power Applications. Himanshi Awasthi, Pavar Sai Kumar, Thomas Thundat (University at Buffalo) and Sanket Goel. Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research. (Accepted)
Nanomaterials and Graphene Advances in Point of Care (PoC) Chemiluminescence Devices for Remarkable Applications. IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine.
Himanshi Awasthi, BVVSN Prabhakar Rao, Thomas Thundat and Sanket Goel, Boron Doped Blue Laser-Induced Graphene: A Suitable Substrate for Flexible and Wearable sensor and Supercapacitor (Accepted)
Ramya K, K S Jaya Lakshmi, Khairunnisa Amreen and Sanket Goel, Electrochemical Synthesis of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for L-Tyrosine Detection (Accepted)