MEMS, Microfluidics and Nanoelectronics (MMNE) Lab
MEMS, Microfluidics and Nanoelectronics Lab is a collaborative effort across the departments at BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus.
2500 sqft area
Various fabrication facilities
Characterization and Testing facilities
Key focus: Development of miniaturized sensing / monitoring devices for various Energy, Biomedical and Biochemical applications.
Recent Patent Granted
Indian Patent Filed Application Number: 202411068818 Title: Device assembly for fuel cell and electrochemical sensor and method of preparation thereof. Inventors: Yuvraj M Mao, Ramya K and Khairunnisa Amreen and Sanket Goel.
Indian Patent Granted, Patent No: 511739, Application No: 201911049248 Title: Smartphone Enabled Miniaturized Viscometer with Paper Microfluidic Strip Inventors: Sanket Goel and S B Puneeth
Indian Patent Granted, Patent No: 492882, Application No: 201711031122 Title: A System for Measuring Viscosity and Method Thereof Inventors: Sanket Goel and S B Puneeth
Indian Patent Granted, Patent No: 509212, Application No: 201911004347 Title: Microfluidics Based Integrated System for Nittrite and Nitrate Detection and Analysis Inventors: Dudala Sohan, Dubey Satish Kumar, Goel Sanket
Opportunities -Positions to Apply Now
Research Associate (Post-Doctoral Fellow) at Hyderabad Campus [Advertisement] . Can also apply through LinkedIn.
Recent updates
A patent Title: A System For Detecting A Cardiac Biomarker And A Method For The Same. Application:202511005222, Inventors: Suhaib Imtiyaz, Sonal Fande, Parvathy Nair, Satya Tatavarthy (TruEnergy), Srujana Kapavarapu (TruEnergy), Filing Date: 22 Jan 2025 has been filled.
Trademark Title: μBIOPOT. Application #: 6800243, Inventors: Ponnalagu R N, Parvathy Nair, Deepak K S, Filing Date:11 Jan 2025, a trademark has been filed
Copyright Title: Software for Portable Potentiostat to Perform Voltammetric Analysis. Diary #: 3773/2025-CO/SW, Inventors: Ponnalagu R N, Parvathy Nair, Deepak K S, Filing Date: 3 Feb 2025, copyright has been filed.
Machine learning based automated system and method of generating droplets in a microfluidic device.Application Number: 202411068188. Inventors: Sameer Dubay, Leela Kishan Jakkam, Arshad Javed, Satish Kumar Dubey, and Sanket Goel (Filed)
A patent Title: A Thermal Management System For A Microfluidic Device For Synthesizing Nanoparticles. Application:202011017181, Inventors: Madhusudan Kulkarni and Yashas, Granting Date: 22 Jan 2025 has been granted.
Vanmathi, S., Jayapiriya, U. S., Sharma, P., Kulkarni, O. P., & Goel, S. (2025). An implantable glucose enzymatic biofuel cell integrated with flexible gold-coated carbon foam and carbon thread bioelectrodes grafted inside a living rat. Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 14(1), 9.
Ramya K, K S Jaya Lakshmi, Khairunnisa Amreen and Sanket Goel, Electrochemical Synthesis of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for L-Tyrosine Detection (Accepted)
K. S Deepak, Aniket, Ramya Priya, Pawar Sai, Satish Kumar Dubey, Sanket Goel, Samit Chattopadhyay and Arshad Javed Development of a Microfluidic Device for the Dual Detection and Quantification of Ammonia and Urea from the Blood Serum Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical
Sonal Fande, Khairunnisa Amreen, A Flexible Microheater and A Process for Fabrication Thereof: Application No 202411000357
K S Deepak, Satish Kumar Dubey, Sanket Goel and Arshad Javed, A microfluidic colorimetric device and a method of manufacturing the same. Application No. 202311075934 (Indian patent Filed)
MEMS, Microfluidics & Nanoelectronics (MMNE) Lab || J-204, J Block, Department of EEE || BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus